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KARG - Resilienz [Ltd. Digipack]

OPPROBRIUM (INCUBUS) - Serpent Temptation [Ltd. LP/ROJO]


OPPROBRIUM (INCUBUS) - Serpent Temptation - The Alternate Version 1996 [Ltd. LP/PLATA]

OPPROBRIUM (INCUBUS) - Serpent Temptation - The Alternate Version 1996 [Ltd. LP/SPLATTER]


EXUMER - Possessed By Fire [Ltd. PICTURE DISC]

EXUMER - Rising From The Sea [Ltd. LP/SPLATTER]

VIOLATOR - Chemical Assault [Ltd. LP/SPLATTER]


Precio: $300.00
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  NAPALM DEATH - Apex Predator - Easy Meat [Digipack]

Categoría: CD

Año: 2015

Intérprete\Disquera: Century Media USA

Origen: UK

Desde salas de ensayo sudorosas, sucias y diminutos clubes y pubs NAPALM DEATH ha conquistado todos los festivales de música que se te ocurra mientras que convertirse en famosa banda por combinar la música brutal con el compromiso político y los valores éticos más allá del cliché habitual de sexo, drogas y rock and roll.

Y como la mayoría de los fans estarán encantados de escuchar, esta notable historia está lejos de haber terminado. Apex Predator – Easy Meat es el siguiente capítulo fundamental en un tomo de la propia banda prácticamente creó.



1. Apex Predator - Easy Meat
2. Smash a Single Digit
3. Metaphorically Screw You
4. How the Years Condemn
5. Stubborn Stains
6. Timeless Flogging
7. Dear Slum Landlord...
8. Cesspits
9. Bloodless Coup
10. Beyond the Pale
11. Stunt Your Growth
12. Hierarchies
13. One-Eyed
14. Oh So Pseudo
15. Adversarial / Copulating Snakes


NAPALM DEATH - Utopia Banished [Ltd.LP/NEGRO]

NAPALM DEATH - Utopia Banished [Ltd. Digipack]

NAPALM DEATH - Utopia Banished [JewelCase]

NAPALM DEATH - Utilitarian [Ltd .LP/VERDE]

NAPALM DEATH - Time Waits for No Slave [Ltd. LP/CAFE]

NAPALM DEATH - Throes Of Joy In The Jaws Of Defeatism [Ltd. LP/BLACK]

NAPALM DEATH - Throes Of Joy In The Jaws Of Defeatism [Ltd. Digibook]

NAPALM DEATH - Throes of Joy in the Jaws of Defeatism [Chinese Version]

NAPALM DEATH - Scum [Ltd. Digipack]

NAPALM DEATH - Resentment is Always Seismic [Ltd. MLP/BLACK]

NAPALM DEATH - Resentment is Always Seismic [Ltd-Digipack]

NAPALM DEATH - From Enslavement to Obliteration [Ltd. LP/BLACK]

NAPALM DEATH - Fear, Emptiness, Despair [Ltd. Digipack]

NAPALM DEATH - Fear, Emptiness, Despair [JewelCase]

NAPALM DEATH - Diatribes [Digipack]

NAPALM DEATH - Coded Smears And More Uncommon Slurs [Ltd. 2CD JewelCase]

NAPALM DEATH - Apex Predator Easy Meat [Ltd. G/PICTURE DISC]
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OBEISANCE - Lucifer Master [Ltd. JewelCase] (Reedicion)

YOTH IRIA - As the Flame Withers [Ltd. LP/G/PICTURE DISC]

THRONE OF MOLOK - Chtonian A.E.O.N. 1010011010 [JewelCase]

CRUCIFIX - Threnody Of The Crucifix

KRATORNAS - The Corroding Age of Wounds

BETRAYER - Necronomical Exmortis [JewelCase]